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Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage in Deira Dubai

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage at Health Land Spa is quite popular today. It is a type of Swedish massage therapy that uses essential oils or lotions which are 100% natural and extracted from plants. The purpose of this therapy is to use all the beneficial properties of the essential oils to help keep your body and mind relaxed. The oils are massaged into your skin or blended with other oils or inhaled as steam.

During aromatherapy massage, the essential oils are inhaled and absorbed by your skin. They help detoxify the body, affect your mood, and alleviate pain. It is most commonly used with Swedish, lymphatic, neuromuscular, acupressure, and reflexology massages.

Health Land Spa Dubai
Address: Marco Polo Hotel-1st Floor, Spa Extension No 867 Muttena, Deira Dubai United Arab Emirates
Health Land Spa Dubai