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Relaxation Massage

Relaxation Massage in Deira Dubai

Relaxation Massage

The relaxation response is the state of the heart and breathing rates going down. When the body begins to relax stress hormones decrease and muscles relax. During Relaxation Massage the body releases different hormones that have a therapeutic effect on the body.

Relaxation Massage increases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which are the natural feel good chemicals that the body produces. Massage decreases the amount of cortisol and adrenaline which are stress hormones that cause depression and anxiety. Massage therapists at Health Land Spa Dubai provide relaxation massage therapy services to treat a range of conditions.

Relaxation Massage to induce relaxation use a wide range of massage techniques. Many relaxing techniques are performed with light pressure that aim to increase temperature and blood flow, manipulate soft tissues and stimulate positive chemicals releasing in the body.

Health Land Spa Dubai
Address: Marco Polo Hotel-1st Floor, Spa Extension No 867 Muttena, Deira Dubai United Arab Emirates
Health Land Spa Dubai