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Korean Massage

Korean Massage in Deira Dubai

Korean Massage

Korean massage is a blend of Japanese, Thai and Chinese techniques with a focus on Korean herbal medicines and a holistic approach to relaxation and wellness. Korean massage therapy is an alternative to traditional massage parlor styles like Swedish, trigger point or deep tissue.

Korean massage incorporates techniques of Swedish, Shiatsu and Thai massage. It is usually a deep massage. The “ajumas” typically massage all body parts including your stomach and breasts. Korean Massage uses many different Japanese massage techniques including fingertip, thumb and elbow pressure, along with shiatsu and reflexology movements to release muscle tension, relax the nervous system and create positive energy flow throughout the body.

Health Land Spa Dubai
Address: Marco Polo Hotel-1st Floor, Spa Extension No 867 Muttena, Deira Dubai United Arab Emirates
Health Land Spa Dubai